Adoption – a procedure whereby a child without parental care is deprived of the reciprocal personal and property rights and obligations with his or her parents and relatives by descent, and whereby reciprocal personal and property rights and obligations are created with the adoptive parents and their relatives in their capacity as relatives by descent.

Adoption is an opportunity to provide a new family for a child who cannot grow up in a biological family. This is a legal process in which all the rights and obligations of the biological parents are transferred to the adoptive family. Adopted children lose all legal ties with their biological parents and become full members of their new family. Adoption participants are the child and the adoptive family. The biological parents have no rights over their adopted child and the adoption process is confidential. Any information relating to an adopted child can only be made public with the permission of the adoptive parents or with the permission of the court.
Adoptive parents are considered the child’s legal parents.

An adopted child can be given the surname of the adoptive parents and have his or her name changed.

Adoption cannot be revoked or annulled – this is the main difference between adoption and guardianship. Guardianship can be revoked if the circumstances that led to it change.

Last updated: 10-12-2023