Multidimensional family therapy


‘Multidimensional Approach to Behavioural Problems of Children and Young People Through the Implementation of MDFT Programme’ project (No. LT03-1-SADM-TF-001)

Project promoter: State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service

Project partners: Ministry of Social Security and Labour, and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS)

Project implementation period: 24/02/2020 – 31/12/2023

Budget of the project: EUR 1,884,517.56

Source of funding:2014–2021 European Economic Area financial mechanism programme ‘Health’ and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania

Project goal:To test and adapt the Multidimensional Family Therapy (hereinafter – MDFT) programme in Lithuania. It is a comprehensive, family-oriented programme aimed at changing behaviour of children and youth, whose behaviour significantly deviates from customary cultural, ethical and age-appropriate norms, is socially unacceptable or delinquent.The programme targets children and adolescents aged 11-17 who are truant, display aggressive behaviour, get into conflicts, use psychotropic substances, are prone to delinquent behaviour, and are displaying other problem behaviour.

In order to test and adapt the Multidimensional Family Therapy programme in Lithuania, 3 MDFT teams were established (in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda regions), and 22 therapists (6 coordinators and 16 specialists) were trained and licensed  for work with young people and their environment. 118 families were successfully helped to achieve significant changes in their behaviour: the use of psychotropic substances, the number of running away from home cases, administrative offences, aggressive behaviour; cases of self-harm decreased, self-confidence of children and young people increased, the child-parent bond and family relations improved, attendance at educational establishments improved or changed, new leisure activities were introduced, etc.

The MDFT programme has been widely presented to the public and to professionals working in the field of child and family welfare. A publicity campaign for MDFT was carried out: 3 conferences were organised, articles, regional publications, videos were published, MDFT team members were giving interviews on radio, TV and various online portals, meetings with representatives of various organisations to present the nature of the MDFT assistance and to discuss possibilities for cooperation were organised regularly. MDFT therapists have also been advancing their knowledge and learning about good practices abroad: study visits to the Netherlands, Norway and Estonia were organised during the project. Regular supervision sessions, joint meetings between all Lithuanian MDFT teams and Lithuanian and foreign partners took place.

Post-project term: from 2024 onwards, the Multidimensional Family Therapy programme is implemented by the Charity and Support Foundation SOS Children's Villages Lithuania.

For more information, please see the videos: 

How support for adolescents and their families works

25 March 2021, International Conference "Implementation of Multidimensional Family Therapy Programme in Lithuania" Video

21 April 2022, International Conference "Implementation of Multidimensional Family Therapy Programme in Lithuania"  Video

16 May 2023, InternationalConference "Why is it so hard to love? Implementation of Multidimensional Family Therapy Programme in Lithuania" Video

Your child is displaying problem behaviour? Multidimensional family therapy is the best help!

Multidimensional Family Therapy programme will help you to change your child's or adolescent's socially unacceptable behaviour, and to strengthen and rebuild family relationships. If your child is skipping school, delinquent, uses psychotropic substances, or is displaying other problem behaviour, contact us.

  • Free help
  • Therapy for the whole family
  • For a child aged 11-17
  • Duration 4-6 months
  • 1-2 meetings per week
  • Meetings in an informal setting
  • One specialist

Willingness to participate in the programme is very important!


You can find out more about the MDFT programme and its origins here.

Last updated: 25-01-2024