Foreign families may apply only for adoption of children with special needs

From 1st of April 2012 foreign nationals who are the permanent residents of a foreign state may apply to State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour only with an application for adoption of children with special needs. Besides, only spouses may apply for mentioned adoption.
Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania (spouses) and spouses whereof one is a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who are the permanent residents of a foreign state may apply for adoption in usual order as it was before.
New rules regarding intercountry adoption came into force in accordance with the order of the Minister of Social Security and Labour No. A1-8 of January 10, 2012 Re: Amendments to the order of the Minister of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania No. A1-162 “Re: approval of the description of procedure for authorizing the institutions of foreign states to act in pursuance of international adoption in the Republic of Lithuania” of 3 June 2005.

Adoption by Foreign Nationals or by Lithuanian Nationals Residing Abroad
Detailed information about adoption, persons having the right to adopt a child, children subject to adoption and other issues. 

Questionaire for Lithuanian Profile for Intercountry Adoption
Filled in ouestionaire for Lithuanian profile for Intercountry adoption (drawn up by the Permanent Bureau)

A Child's Way to a Family Abroad
Graphical chart of stages a child passes till placement in foreign family

International Adoption
Graphical chart of International adoption procedure

National Adoption
Graphical chart of National adoption procedure

Functions of local institutions regarding international adoption procedure

State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service

  • Administers the registry of adoptable children,
  • Administers the registry of adoptive families,
  • Does the matching of adoptable children with adoptive families,
  • Executes the program of adoption of children with special needs,
  • Presents opinion about child's adoption to the court. 

Municipal Service of Child’s Rights Protection

  • Gives information about children eligible to adopt,
  • Collects information about Lithuanian families eligible to adopt,
  • Presents opinion about child's adoption to the court. 

Children's Foster Home*

  • Takes care of children and their education,
  • Gives information about children health and development,
  • Psychologically prepares children for the adoption,
  • Gives a consent for a child adoption. 

Inter-Institutional Commission

  • Having considered the situation, whether all means were exhausted that the child be returned to biological family or be placed in Lithuanian family, makes a recommendation if international adoption meets the child’s best interests.

* in some cases – Foster Family.

Last updated: 10-12-2023