Step five. Proposing a child for adoption
* A commission established by order of the Director of the Service, taking into account the best interests of the child and after assessing the expectations of the adoptive parents on the List, selects the adoptive parents who best meet the child’s needs. If there are several families on the list that meet the child’s needs, the persons first on the list are selected for the child.
* The Service informs them of the selection of a family for a particular child through the territorial division of their place of residence. The information letter shall contain information about the child (name, date of birth; grounds for inclusion in the list of children available for adoption; municipality of the child’s actual place of residence, personalised data about the child’s origin, social environment, family history, if known, information about health disorders of the child’s brothers/sisters and parents, harmful habits, addictions, information about the child’s health disorders recorded in the form of a health certificate (form No. 046/a), data on the child’s specific and/or special educational needs (data on the child’s educational regime, care recommendations, educational needs, child support needs), data on the child’s legal representative. You have the right to ask the Service for permission to meet the proposed adoptive child at a time and date agreed in advance with the child’s legal representative.
* You will have to submit your consent or refusal to adopt the proposed child in writing to the Child Rights Protection Division no later than 10 days after the date of reading the information letter about the child for adoption.
* It should be noted that once a family has submitted a reasoned refusal to adopt a proposed child, it waits for another offer of a possible child for adoption, according to the family’s stated expectation for the child.
You should note that the length of the offer depends on your expectations of the child you wish to adopt (age, gender, health, lifestyle of the child’s biological parents, addictions, mental health problems and mental capacity, number of children born in the family, etc.) and the number of children you wish to adopt. It also influences which children (age, health condition, parents’ health condition, social background, etc.) are included in the register of children available for adoption.