Other useful information
In accordance with the procedure laid down by the Law on Sickness and Maternity Social Insurance of the Republic of Lithuania, adoptive parents are entitled to receive:
- childcare benefit (Article 22)
- paternity benefit (Article 19)
The amount of these benefits depends on the amount of insurable income, and should be applied for online, by post or by visiting “Sodra” office after your employer grants parental leave.
In accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Benefits for Children of the Republic of Lithuania, adoptive parents are entitled to receive:
- lump-sum child benefit (Article 5)
An adopted child receives a lump-sum child benefit of 11 basic social benefits (currently EUR 440), regardless of whether a lump-sum child benefit has already been paid at birth. No benefit is payable if you adopt your spouse’s child.
- monthly child benefit (Article 6)
For each child from the date of birth until the age of 18 or over, if he or she is enrolled in a general education programme (including those enrolled in vocational education and training, and in a programme of general education combined with a vocational training programme), but until he or she reaches the age of 21 years, a benefit equal to 1.54 times the basic social benefit (currently EUR 61.60) is granted and paid monthly. An additional benefit is paid if the child has a level of disability and the family has three or more children.
- adoption benefit (Article 14)
If a child is adopted, one of the child’s adoptive parents shall receive a monthly allowance of 8 basic social benefits (currently EUR 320) for a period of 24 months from the date of entry into force of the court’s decision to adopt the child (or, in the case of urgent execution, from the date of commencement of the execution of the decision), which shall be paid for a maximum period of time not longer than until the child reaches the age of 18 years, except where he/she is entitled to childcare benefit under the Law on Sickness and Maternity Social Insurance and the amount of the benefit shall be equal or higher than the amount of the child adoption benefit provided for in this part. No benefit is payable if you adopt your spouse’s child.
Adoptive parents must apply for these benefits at the Social Benefits Division in their place of residence. Applications can also be submitted electronically via www.spis.lt.