Mobile team
Mobile team: a group of specialists of the State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour (hereinafter referred to as the Service), which provides intensive individual or group consultations and (or) other psychological, social assistance for a family involved in a crisis and (or) a child, which aims at helping the family and (or) the child to manage the crisis, to identify and (re)solve problems in order for the parents or one of the parents to guarantee that the needs of the child are met, that the conditions for the child’s development and safe residential environment are ensured.
The mobile team is created when, after the assessment of the child’s situation, the need for the child’s protection is determined.
The mobile team’s specialists are the following: psychologist and social worker.
The work of the mobile team usually lasts up to 20 business days from the day of creation of the mobile team. Due to objective reasons and if necessary to prolong the provision of assistance of the mobile team, the work of the mobile team may be prolonged for no more than 8 business days.
When the mobile team is working with the family and (or) the child, the specialists of the mobile team cooperate with the case manager.
If the assistance of the mobile team for the family and (or) the child was initiated, the work of the mobile team with the family and (or) the child is completed upon preparation and submission of recommendations to the case manager concerning the organization of further work with the family and (or) the child.
The description of procedure of creation of mobile teams, selection of specialists and their work.