The training of GIMK programme
1. The training as per the Underlying training and consultancy programme for foster parents (guardians), carers on call, adoptive parents, the staff members of the Community Foster Home (hereinafter referred to as the Basic training)
2. The training as per a Specialized training and consultancy programme for the individuals who seek to provide social care services and for the staff members of the Community Foster Home (hereinafter referred to as the Specialized training)
3. The training as per a programme of the preparation of close relatives for child custody.
4. The training as per a Rolling training and consultancy programme for foster parents (guardians), carers on call, adoptive parents, the staff members of the Community Foster Home (hereinafter referred to as the Further training).
An important principle of GIMK programme: everything starts with yourself. The individuals can talk openly during the training about their feelings during any particular practical task, find answers to many questions they have, evaluate whether they can become foster parents (guardians), carers on call or adoptive parents, and whether they have knowledge and skills necessary for this purpose.
The training of GIMK programme are for the individuals who intend to foster (take care for), adopt a child, to provide childcare services, for adoptive parents, foster parents (guardians), carers on call and the individuals who work in the Community Foster Home.
The objectives of GIMK programme:
1. To develop and enhance five necessary skills of the individuals who intend to foster (take care for), adopt a child, to provide childcare services or to work in the Community Foster Home:
Ensuring a safe environment and satisfying physical needs.
Meeting the needs of the child and compensation for the developmental disorders.
Ensuring the link of the child with his or her biological family.
Helping a child in establishing safe and lasting links.
Cooperation in resolving the child and family problems.
2. To prepare individuals for childcare, temporary and permanent custody (care), adoption, work with the children in the Community Foster Home.
3. To provide continuous services to carers on call, foster parents (guardians), adoptive parents and the individuals who work with children in the Community Foster Home.
THE BASIC TRAINING – the training as per the Underlying training and consultancy programme for foster parents (guardians), carers on call, adoptive parents, the staff members of the Community Foster Home.
The training consists of 7 sessions:
1. Introduction to a programme of the preparation of foster parents (guardians), carers on call, adoptive parents, the staff members of the Community Foster Home.
2. Openness and cooperation.
3. Compensation for the developmental disorders of the child.
4. Behavioural problems and disorders in children, overcoming them.
5. Exhaustion. Prevention and intervention.
6. Injuries and crises of the children under guardianship.
7. Preparedness for changes.
Training participants:
1. individuals intending to adopt a child,
2. individuals intending to foster (take care for) a child,
3. individuals intending to provide childcare services,
4. individuals working in the Community Foster Home.
Issuance of certificates to individuals,
1. intending to adopt a child,
2. intending to foster (take care for) a child.
It should be noted that these individuals do not need to participate in the Specialized training.
THE SPECIALIZED TRAINING – the training as per a Specialized training and consultancy programme for the individuals who seek to provide social care services and for the staff members of the Community Foster Home.
The training consists of 6 sessions:
1. Team work.
2. Organisation of the meetings of a child with the biological family.
3. Strengthening the child's psychological resistance and identity.
4. Understanding the child's behaviour and meeting his or her needs.
5. Learning difficulties and motivation of the children under guardianship. The standards of the Community Foster Home.
6. Ensuring consistency in custody planning. The return of the child to his or her family or foster family.
Training participants
1. individuals who have completed the basic training and are intending to provide childcare services,
2. individuals who have completed the basic training and are working in the Community Foster Home.
Issuance of certificates to individuals,
1. who have completed the basic and specialized training and are intending to provide childcare services;
2. who have completed the basic and specialized training and are working in the Community Foster Home.
THE TRAINING AS PER A PROGRAMME OF THE PREPARATION OF CLOSE RELATIVES FOR CHILD CUSTODY – the training for individuals who seek to foster (take care for) the children with whom they are in relation of kinship.
The training consists of 6 sessions:
1. Introduction to a programme of the preparation of close relatives for child custody.
2. Child‘s developmental needs.
3. Affection.
4. Bereavement.
5. Maintaining relations with the biological family.
6. Upbringing.
Training participants: the individuals closely related by blood to the child they want to foster (take care for).
Close relatives – close relatives are the relatives in a straight line up to the second degree inclusive (parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren) and the second degree relatives in a collateral line (brothers and sisters).
(The Article 3.135 of the Civil Code).
THE FURTHER TRAINING – the training as per a Rolling training and consultancy programme for foster parents (guardians), carers on call, adoptive parents, the staff members of the Community Foster Home.
The Further training for carers on call, foster parents (guardians), adoptive parents and the individuals who work with children in the Community Foster Home. The main idea of this programme: encouraging continuous development and learning as well as sharing of common experiences among individuals in order to meet the needs of the children who are looked after, children in foster care (children under guardianship) or adopted children by giving as much attention to quality as possible. This programme aims to help individuals overcome difficulties and to support them.
The Further training programme consists of nine parts. Individuals are not obliged to attend all of the further training sessions. The individuals certificated by the Service organise the groups of the further training in a way which best suits the wishes and needs of the participants.
The parts of the further training:
Perception and evaluation of self-esteem.
Formation of self-esteem and perception of behavioural significance.
Encouraging positive behaviour.
Encouraging responsibility for oneself.
Responding to challenges.
Issues of sex education.
Helping children who have allegedly suffered sexual abuse.
Maintaining relations between the child and his or her family.
The effects of custody and adoption on the family.